On 22 Apr 2015 10:27, "Alexander Moskalev" <ir...@irker.net> wrote:
> Thanks to all for feedback!
> Let's try to integrate new feature to old class.
> We have constructor in CURLFile with one required parameter: $filename .
> To avoid BC break we cannot replace this parameter. So  I suggest to do it
> optional and add setBuffer() method.
> So we can create CURLFile with empty parameters in constructor and fill it
> with setters.
> Have two more questions:
> 1) If we not fill all options or fille not compatible options, when we
> throw error? ? And what level of this error? (Sorry, I'm just php coder
> know about C language and php source so little)
> For file from disk(or other source) required $filename. For file from
> buffer required $buffer and $postname.
> 2) Curently CURLFile cannot be unserialized, because it contains $filename
> (see source code). How it compatible with our dicussion?

Why not a ctor as in:

function __construct ($filename, $buffer = null) {
    if (isset ($ buffer)) {
        // use $ buffer
    } else {
        // use file contents

The file name parameter can be of use anyway for posted file contents from


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