
the PRs on github are already being labeled. Multiple labels are possible.
However the github ACLs lack on granularity
itory/ . Due to that, while being a useful feature, labeling is only
available for project admins or alike. Now with PHP7 such labeling becomes
probably even more sense as we'll need to handle BC breaks and other
situations which would need more testing and care. So the amount of work to
evaluate and review PRs will grow while the "work team" probably not.

To improve this, here's an idea originally coming from Ferenc. And it is
simple - the labeling feature could be integrated with our systems using the
github API. That would allow to achieve more granularity on who is allowed
to label. AFAIR there was already some people willing to do labeling, so
that were a great possibility to build such a team. Such pre evaluating and
labeling could possibly prevent some awkward situations, help to sort out
potential issues and BC breaches.

Thus asking for opinions. As it stands completely open - does this idea
sound eligible, how can it be integrated, who is yet up for the pre
evaluation/labeling job? Or any other propositions.



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