The behavior of dereferencing scalars as if they were arrays or strings
is arguable:

  $foo = 42;
  $foo['bar']; // => NULL

This happens without notice or warning, whereas the array dereferencing
of objects results in a fatal error:

  $foo = new stdClass;
  $foo['bar']; // Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array

There are several bug reports and feature requests regarding this
behavior, the most interesting being #54556[1] and #64194[2].  The
former has a patch attached, for the latter there is a PR[3].

Would throwing a notice or a warning on array deferencing scalars
be acceptable for PHP 7.0, or does this need an RFC?

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

Christoph M. Becker

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