Hi Sammy,

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 6:04 AM, Sammy Kaye Powers <m...@sammyk.me> wrote:

> There are two open PR's for PHP7 to modify the behavior of the CSPRNG's:
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1397 (main discussion)
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1398
> Currently the random_*() functions will issue a warning and return false if
> a good source of random cannot be found. This is a potential security hole
> in the event the RNG fails and returns false which gets evaluated as 0 in a
> cryptographic context.
> To prevent this exploit the proposed behavior will throw an Exception when
> the RNG fails or certain argument validation fails. This also gives the
> developer a graceful way to fall back to an alternate CSPRNG.
> Since the core functions in PHP don't throw Exceptions, there is debate on
> whether or not this change should be implemented. Some say the CSPRNG's
> should get a special pass since they will be relied on for cryptography. If
> we can't throw Exceptions, there were suggestions of raising a fatal error
> if the RNG fails.
> I think the argument can be boiled down to consistency vs security. We'd
> love to hear your feedback to decide what we should do in this context. :)

I prefer exception rather than error.

However, I would not like to see exception in "some" functions.
It's whether we use exception for builtin functions or not.

I understand the risk, but users should handle all errors properly
to be secure anyway.


Yasuo Ohgaki

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