
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastian Bergmann [mailto:sebast...@php.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 4:21 PM
> To: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: bump versions: configure.in
> main/php_version.h
> Am 19.08.2015 um 16:09 schrieb Niklas Keller:
> > TBH, I'd rather take the time and have a delayed release without a
> > hurry than shipping a final version with unresolved problems. Having a
> > schedule to follow is nice, but you should rethink the schedule when
> > problems arise instead of following it no matter what.
>  +1
Actually I would mind that. As much as I personally would see all the issues 
resolved, as much as an RM I understand that it would mean just crashing PHP7. 
The most of user space code works either without change or with some additional 
effort. People already

- port PHP code
- port C code
- document the features
- read the docs :)
- etc.

Actually, if someone is in the mood to go for an RFC to change the 7.0 timeline 
and it is accepted - so be, let's go for an alpha again and move the final to 
spring :) Otherwise - we're really in the freeze.

With the particular set_exception_handler thread - it would be not bad to see 

- some affected places in the real apps
- some implementation
- some tests

That can help to understand the magnitude/impacts to the current code base. 
Many of the topics are just too heavy to be handled within the current timeline 
which is still valid.



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