On 22/08/2015 02:38, Sherif Ramadan wrote:
I see. So you're not actually doing overflow checks then? Because at the
point you'd be checking this zend_long or size_t it could have already
overflowed or wrapped. The subject may have misled me to understand

I think I understand the confusion: you are thinking of overflow as something which happens *within* a type based on some operation (addition, multiplication, etc).

Anatol is talking about overflows which occur when casting *between* types: a value of 2^33 can safely be passed around as a 64-bit integer, no overflow has occurred; but attempting to cast it to a 32-bit integer will immediately overflow the 32-bit integer.

Since many PHP extensions are wrappers around libraries which may only deal in 32-bit types, this cast is common, necessitating range checks like the ones proposed.


Rowan Collins

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