On Sep 6, 2015, at 18:19, Bob Weinand <bobw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, I thought that feature to be Hack-only. Looks like I'm wrong and hence 
> looked at the wrong place. [I always heard Hack has short Closures, but never 
> was told HHVM had them too...]

Semantics semantics semantics.
Short closures *are* only supported by HHVM in Hack mode (<?hh), not for PHP 
files (<?php).

When I say "HHVM", I mean the runtime.  When I say Hack, I mean the 
language/syntax (or the offline type checker).  In practice, because PHP and 
Hack syntax are so similar, HHVM gets away with using a single parser for both. 
 This parser, as mentioned, is a descendant of PHP's parser.  Which is why I 
was suggesting that implementation details could flow backward to php-src.

> But as I see you use a T_LAMBDA_OP which is inserted by a token-pre-parser 
> before it's being analyzed by the real parser.

Yes, and I regard it as a hideous abomonation.  No offense taken for not 
importing that piece of...art.

> Wouldn't say we really could compare that. It's a lot of complication... If I 
> remember correctly, we had a similar reason back then to reject my initial 
> keywords as identifiers patch as it was using that type of approach.
> Honestly, a %glr-parser bison directive would look cleaner here. But I'm not 
> sure if we want to go that route down as a LALR(1) has much more 
> deterministic performance characteristics...

Josh Watzman, who's working on UVS for HHVM would have a few words to say about 
that.  None charitable to LALR parsers.  :)


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