On 11/16/2015 04:11 PM, Jefferson Gonzalez wrote:
> On 11/16/2015 04:22 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> But that is exactly what the file-based opcache does by itself. The only
>> speedup you achieve by trying to distribute the .bin files would be a
>> minor boost the first time a cli script is executed. All subsequent runs
>> of the script would hit the cache. The added complexity and potential
>> version conflicts of trying to distribute the .bin files doesn't seem
>> like it would be worth the trouble for such a minor one-time performance
>> benefit.
>> -Rasmus
> But as far as I know thats only possible with php-cli and not with
> php-cgi, is it?

There is nothing cli-specific about this feature, so yes, it works fine
with php-cgi. You can set opcache.file_cache_only if you like to not
even try to create a shm cache and only use the file-based one for your
php-cgi setup.


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