Andreas Heigl wrote on 30/11/2015 12:23:
Am 30.11.15 um 13:18 schrieb Peter Cowburn:
class A {
     const TEST = false;
     public function test() {

class B extends A {
     const TEST = true;

     public function test() {

$b = new B;

You are calling explicitly A::test().

When you call parent::test() everything works as you'd expect it.

Have a look at

Apart from that you are calling an instance-method as a static method by
using A::test().

This appears to be the crucial thing: if you declare the test() method as static in both classes, it returns false in all versions:

It's almost like A::test() is now interpreted as a static call, rather than a "scope resolution" of the instance method, but $this is still available, so it's not quite as simple as that:

Rowan Collins

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