On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 6:59 PM, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Patricio Tarantino has asked me to help him propose Operator
>> Overloading in PHP 7.1 (based in part on my operator extension in
>> PECL).  I think we can expose this to usespace as magic methods with
>> very little overhead (the runtime check and dispatch is already there,
>> after all).
> We could, but I'm not sure whether we should. One of the reasons why
> userspace operator overloading was kept out was that a lot of its uses
> make code worse, not better. When you see expression that looks like
> addition but you know it can do literally anything, that makes reading
> the code so much more frustrating. I mean, you can *hope* * still means
> "multiply", but you can't know it anymore. And there are not that many
> types for which * has natural meaning.
I can't argue with you there.  Magic can be exceedingly dangerous in
the wrong hands.  I think the core question of this RFC is: Is the
responsibility to use magic safely something to grant PHP developers.
I'm personally not decided on it, which is why operator stayed a PECL
extension and it's taken someone else to put the RFC forward (even if
I am sponsoring him to get the discussion rolling).

> Additionally, introducing about 9000^W^W a lot of new magics drastically
> raises both cognitive complexity of the language (now we have 14 magics,
> adding operators (and RFC lists only arithmetic ones, though one may say
> why stop there - C++ certainly didn't) more than triples that count.
I think this can be handled by taking Bishop's suggestion.  After all,
it's how it's actually implemented internally via do_operation.  We
could apply the same to the userspace callback and simplify the
implementation details, even if it add slight complexity to script

> Also, implementing them in consistent fashion would be non-trivial, and
> imagine what fun would be had when +, += and ++ work differently
Hilarious to hear you cite that as the already existing inconsistency
between += and ++ with non-numeric strings came up only last week.

$x = 'foo';
$x++; // $x === 'fop'
$x += 1; // $x === 1

But I digress, your point is taken, and it comes back to the same
thing in my first paragraph response.  I think we can all agree that
the potential for evil is great, the question is whether or not we
trust developers with great power.

> (btw, why have different implementations for + and += at all?).
Because the former would typically result in a new object, the latter
wouldn't.  In the case of GMP it's the difference between:

$x = new GMP(1);
$x = $x + 1; // Makes a new GMP instance and replaces $x

$x = new GMP(1);
$x += 1; // Updates the internal value of the GMP instance

That's a significant difference in terms of semantics if there are
other references to $x lying around.  Nevermind the cost of
newing/cloning/destroying objects when all you really wanna do is
mutate an existing one a bit.

> And then we get questions of commutativity and associativity...
Yeah, this was always one of my annoyances of pecl/operator.
Honestly, I could see making them always-left-associative to avoid
some unforseen wtf.  But (if combined with the additional operations)
would require resolving the commutativity that happens in
ZEND_AST_GREATER* (not terribly complex to handle, but we'd have to
decide to do it).

> What I'm trying to say, doing proper operators set is not that trivial,
> and besides a very small set of use cases, I'm concerned it would be
> used to write very clever write-once read-never code instead of good code.
Not arguing with that at all. :)


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