On 7 January 2016 at 17:14, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If somebody harasses the other person on Twitter, how exactly banning
> this person from internals list is going to make that stop?

It doesn't.

What it means is the other person can open their PHP-DEV email folder
and know that there's not going to be any subtle crap from the person
that is harassing waiting for them when they want to contribute to

> I'm growing tired of this argument. We also do not know how many
> contributors we may have lost because we do not sacrifice a goat monthly
> to the Flying Spaghetti Monster,

We can't know for sure.

But what we can do is compare the ratio of women vs men who contribute
to PHP internals, and think that maybe, just maybe, if a project is
almost solely comprised of one gender, then possibly we've
accidentally done some stuff that drives 50% of the population away.


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