
> You're missing the basic point. If someone makes a complaint with a
> complaints process that handles everything in the open, i.e. with your
> suggestion of the standard RFC process:

What you say is true. However, as I previously said, the alternative is
taking action on behalf of the community by the tiny part of the
community without the community even being aware why the action is
taken. I don't think this is a good idea.

We can develop processes that decrease the risk of retaliation -
starting the process with private moderation IMO is a good way to do
this - but if we want community-wide action, I do not see how it can be
done while preserving both secrecy and informed due process.

> * if the outcome is a majority of people think it is a legititmate
> complaint, then they are still going to get a load of crap from i) the
> minority of people who think that any restriction of freedom of speech
> is a commie plot ii) the revenge brigade who go round and harass
> people

I don't think we have such bridages in our project spaces. And outside
project spaces, we can do precisely nothing about them except wagging a
finger at them. We can not solve all problems existing on the internet
by having CoC - we can only (hope to) make our spaces free of the bad
Stas Malyshev

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