On 12 January 2016 at 15:27, Chase Peeler <chasepee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I personally offered at least two emails with constructive feedback and
> alternative solutions. I never saw any reply or feedback to either one.

It's not possible for every email to be replied to in a conversation.
If they were, then the conversation would last forever.

> My take away from Anthony's last email is basically: "We're going to have a
> CoC whether you like it or not.

Then I believe you got the wrong point.

Anthony was saying that the conversation wasn't helping him to refine
the RFC to be more acceptable to the community; instead it was just
generating more tension and animosity, and that he would prefer to
suspend taking part in that conversation, until a more complete, and
hopefully acceptable RFC could be written.

At which point he would present the idea as a more polished RFC, which
hopefully would have a productive conversation.


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