On Wed, 13 Jan 2016, Zeev Suraski wrote:

> From: Bob Weinand [mailto:bobw...@hotmail.com]
> > 
> > no votes should be meaning  "I want as less as possible support".
> > Counting it that way would make it up for a tie and us choosing the most
> > restrictive schedule as a result.
> > (Interpreting it like "you need 50%+1 of the total to get it extended so 
> > far".)
> > 
> > Hence Security Support until Dec 31 2017.
> The way the RFC the choices are going to be interpreted was presented ahead 
> of time, was available throughout the entire discussion period, and very 
> clearly so:
> "In case the majority chooses to extend the lifetime of PHP 5.6 (>50%) - then 
> the option garnering more votes between the two proposed timelines would win."
> I'm not sure what the situation would have been had we truly had a 23/23 
> split, probably a revote or an extended voting period, but the current 
> situation is very well defined under the RFC terms.

Not that I particularly care about this outcome, but there were only 
"42" Yes votes, and "2" No votes. As the voting says for the second part 
"ONLY IF YOU CHOSE 'YES' ABOVE: ", there should only be 42 votes in the 
second part, and not 44 like there are now (21+23)... so there is 
something wonky.

I would recommend, not to do split votes like this anymore. It's just 
too confusing IMO.


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