On Thu, 21 Jan 2016, Flyingmana wrote:

> On 01/21/2016 09:53 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Flyingmana <flyingm...@googlemail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> An RFC could still be valuable for the project, even if the original
> >> author leaved, so taking it over should be possible. And it should not
> >> be painful in any way.
> >> Would we need some rules in case multiple people want to take it over,
> >> or should we say the first one wins?
> >> Is there any way to abuse the taking over of an withdrawn RFC?
> > 
> > Hypothetically:
> > 
> > An RFC being used primarily for ongoing debate/argument/trolling
> > purposes could live indefinitely, generating hundreds, or thousands,
> > of messages, and changesets/PR's, and list churn, in the name of
> > "making sure an issue is adequately discussed and resolved".
> > 
> > Even as individual trolls, marks, and sockpuppets were knocked down,
> > new ones could pick up the mantle of "but we're discussing important
> > things, here!", and continue the loop, only finally exhausting the
> > suite of RFC mechanisms all of the trolls/marks/puppets finally gave
> > up, or were someho0w being administratively prohibited from all future
> > participation.
> > 
> > Which, if the PHP email lists were an endless trolling/argument/debate
> > forum like twitter or reddit, would be completely appropriate.
> > 
> > This is all hypothetical, of course.
> Thats a valid problem.
> How is this currently handled for the case, the troll is not willing to
> withdraw it?

It isn't *really*. Which is what I hopefully think the current process 
of establishing our values, guidelines, a CoC and a Mediation Team should 

And in an extreme case, with continuous trolling, a "resolution" (RFC 
like thing) could be put up for vote with the rest of internals to ban 
these people from the project. This is only mostly hypothetical, as it 
has happened once in the ~15 years I've been involved, although we 
didn't go through a process then. And I sincerely hope that was the last 
one too. 


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