On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:00 AM, Davey Shafik <da...@php.net> wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
>> > I think Dan raises some interesting points, although I think
>> zend_version()
>> > is often used for feature detection so they try to put a zend version in
>> > there to be helpful i.e. HHVM x.y.z === PHP a.b (feature-wise).
>> >
>> That's exactly why PHP_VERSION is faked in HHVM.  Because that's how
>> users use it.  Essentially, we're treating PHP_VERSION as "PHP
>> language specification version X.Y"  So for example, hhvm 3.12.0
>> conforms to phplang-spec 7.0.0 so it defines HHVM_VERSION to tell what
>> it is, while PHP_VERSION exists for all those scripts that were
>> written under the assumption that there's only one PHP runtime.
>> I would actually suggest that if something like this RFC goes through,
>> we formally define PHP_VERSION in exactly that way.  As a language
>> specification conformance advertisement.  PHP_ENGINE_VERSION would be
>> the build ID for the actual runtime implementation.  In the case of
>> the reference implementation, these numbers would be identical, so
>> there would be no effective change.  In the case of other
>> implementations, they'd differ.  For example on HHVM you'd have:
>> All that said, I'm not convinced we *need* explicitly enumerated
>> constants like PHP_ENGINE, but for that 0.1% of scripts that care who
>> they're running under, it would certainly unify that detection in a
>> useful way.
>> To the question of "are we just replicating browser detection and all
>> its problems?", I'd offer that perhaps the solution lies not in more
>> constants, but in Reflection.  For example:
>> class ReflectionLanguage {
>>   public function isSupported($feature): bool;
>>   public function variableSyntaxConformance(): string;
>>   public function strictTypehints(): bool;
>> }
>> Some of these would be compiler constant-ish, others might be per-file
>> (like strictTypeHints()).
>> ^^ The above is a half-baked idea, please alter/destroy it at will.

I am also really not convinced we need a PHP_ENGINE_* set of
constants. It defeats the purpose of these constants.

Each non php.net implementation could (should?) have a
<implementation> and <implementation>_<version> constants, for
instance, HHVM and HHVM_VERSIONS_* constants. These constants can then
be used to do the required work-around for bugs or to use
implementation specific features.

> Unfortunately Sara, the types of things you generally have to work around
> are minor things, like differences in DOM, or the inability to json_encode
> DateTimeImmuteable
> I do however like the idea of feature detection - I wonder if perhaps we
> could do something where it's done at compile time and therefore minimally
> impacts runtime?

This could be what you actually need. A #ifdef equivalent for PHP. I
remember a discussion about adding these features to the core to allow
to enable/disable portions of a script at the parsing/compilation
level. Doing so allows mixing codes being valid for various
implementations inside a same file. It is especially important for
features using syntax not compatible with a php.net's PHP
specification (for instance).

I am not very keen about that either as I prefer to use separate
files. However it seems to be where we could move forward for these
kind of needs? parser/compilation time constants or expression (like
HAVE_FOO in C for example but only defined by the respective engine
and maybe extensions) as well as at runtime (as normal PHP constants).
Just a thought :)


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