On 3/19/2016 1:29 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
> On 19/03/16 12:17, Fleshgrinder wrote:
>> You are mixing to things like I did. If you never unset and never assign
>> then the value of the property is *null* or as I defined to avoid
>> confusion *void*. All fine. The question was, should this result in an
>> error and the general consensus here is /no/.
> My point is that $object->property = null; after the object has been
> 'constructed' is still a valid assignment ... the object's content may
> well be changed by changing the loaded object id.

I am not so sure about that and one could always reside to not using
type hints in such situations. Additionally I do not think that one
should change the /loaded object id/ better create a completely new
instance. But I might be missing more context here.

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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