Morning Nikita,

    Apologies for my inconsistent use of language ... I meant to say
shortened by one week.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Joe Watkins <> wrote:

> Morning Nikita,
>     Thanks for all your hard work.
>     Since consistency is one of our main focuses, I move that the
> discussion period for this extremely important work is moved forward by one
> week.
>     All in favour, say I.
> Cheers
> Joe
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Bob Weinand <> wrote:
>> > Am 24.3.2016 um 18:50 schrieb Nikita Popov <>:
>> >
>> > Hi internals!
>> >
>> > For consistency, we should add a spaceship assignment operator:
>> >
>> >    $a <=>= $b;
>> >    // same as
>> >    $a = ($a <=> $b);
>> >
>> > Additionally, we should add an is-identical assignment operator:
>> >
>> >    $a ==== $b;
>> >    // same as
>> >    $a = ($a === $b);
>> >
>> > Thank you for taking this proposal under consideration.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Nikita
>> I see a problem with that … It’d be impossible to make it consistent with
>> is-equal comparison…
>> === is already is-identical comparison. So, no symbol for the is-equal
>> assignment operator left.
>> As long as you don’t have any better suggestion, I’m sorry, but -1 on
>> that.
>> Bob

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