
On 07.04.2016 14:21, Andrea Faulds wrote:
> Bob and I have made an RFC which proposes an alternative syntax for list():
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/short_list_syntax
> Please tell us your thoughts.

Reading the last sample in the RFC:

>  Both due to implementation issues, and for consistency's sake, list()
cannot be nested inside [], nor vice-versa:
> // This, however, is allowed:
> [[$a, $b], [$c, $d]] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];

and then

>  This RFC has no impact upon OPcache or other extensions dealing with
PHP opcodes, because the compiled result is identical to the list() syntax.

Without any deeper technical knowledge, these two things don't look
compatible to me at first. It's probably a non-issue, but mentioning the
list() can't be nested, the new destructuring syntax can, but "the
compiled result is identical to the list() syntax" doesn't add up somehow.

If you can elaborate on this, that wold be nice. Thanks :)

- Markus

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