"Tom Worster"  wrote in message news:571267b4.9070...@thefsb.org...

On 4/16/16 5:04 AM, Tony Marston wrote:
"Marco Pivetta"  wrote in message

Tony, that sounds really like "real programmers use `dd -if -of`". Please
stop with that argument, as it really doesn't reflect reality.

That is not what I said. As a follower of the KISS principle I believe
that good programmers write simple code that anyone can understand, while less-than-good programmers write complex code that only a select
few can understand.

...or perhaps nobody can understand. Agreed. So I guess that makes me
a follower of the KISS principle too. I prefer boring, obvious, conventional code and the kind of strict style guides that artisan codes hate. I'm also conservative wrt changing PHP -- a gradualist. And I dislike arguments proposing feature X because such-and-such more fashionable language has it.

That said...

I have found that my programs, my team's and the libs I use are more obvious, boring and easy to understand when they are clear about type.

So in recent years I've tried to be more and more rigorous in using PHPdoc2 type tags, the IDE's linters to run static checks, and working towards eliminating using "mixed" and "|" in the type spec.

PHP 7.0's type is better than relying on conventional annotations that evolved from a doc generator. I like these specific "shiny new features".

I believe that being stricter with type has helped reduce the rate at which we introduce bugs. It's been totally worth it. As I see it, I can't afford not to.

So I don't like Union Type because it will encourage sloppy type in libs that I might otherwise want to use. I don't want nullable hints for the same reason. With some reluctance and acknowledging the inconsistency I *do* advocate nullable return because eliminating something or null from PHP conventions seems a stretch and I'd rather these were declared than not. That's just my position.

I don't think I'm behaving like an academic researcher or computer scientist with a PhD. I prefer to see myself as a practical computer programmer with a deep concern for long term maintenance of my programs.

> The problem with adding all these new and shiny features ...
> only for the benefit of the few who think programming should be
> restricted to those who have Phd's.

I see two problems with arguing along these lines. 1. It's not specific enough. 2. It's a bit insulting both to me and, I imagine, to academics.

Where is the insult in what I wrote?

So please try to be more specific about both what you want and why. At the moment you appear to be arguing against any change to PHP and justifying this with the argument that anyone who wants to change it is an incompetent programmer.

Where did I ever use the word "incompetent"?

You are reading what isn't there.

Tony Marston

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