On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> On 20 באפר׳ 2016, at 14:54, Jesse Schalken <m...@jesseschalken.com> wrote:
> If I had "scalar", "number" and ?T as types, the types I would need would
> be:
>    1. ?scalar|Decimal
> What's decimal?  I'm not aware we have that type.  Apologies if I missed
> it that it was added.

As I said:

I have a function that converts values to SQL which have SQL equivalents,
> including decimal values represented by a special Decimal class. It accepts
> int|string|bool|null|float|Decimal.

All of int|string|bool|null|float can be converted to SQL
straightforwardly, however, MySQL has a distinct decimal type for exact
decimal values, written like "8542.31" in SQL (to get write a float, you
need "8542.31e0"). My class Decimal is used to represent a MySQL value of
type decimal, so it can be passed without be lossily converted to/from
float, and so it can be converted to the correct SQL. It is neither a float
nor an integer. A distinct class is needed for it.

>    1. ?scalar|Decimal|Expr
> What's Expr?  Again I'm not aware that we have that type.

As I said:

I have a class Expr which represents an expression in SQL. Expressions can
> be composed of other expressions, and of literal values, so the
> constructors for Exprs accept int|string|bool|null|float|Decimal|Expr.

In both, a nullable scalar does the job.
>    1. ?scalar|array
> Conduct this check in user code, you'd have to anyway.

Not if I'm giving it straight to json_encode() I don't.

>    1. int|string (I *want* int|string here. I know array keys are always
>    int|string. A wider type is lies.)
> This is needlessly purist.  For handling a meaningless con, we'd
> overcomplicate the language and provide a footgun(tm) for everyone.  Not a
> good bargain.

int|string is the correct type. If you're going to dismiss correctness as
"needlessly purist" then I'm going to dismiss PHP as not intended for
writing correct software.

>    1. ?scalar (probably)
> Ok
>    1. number
> Ok
>    1. T|false
> You didn't answer my question on this one.

substr() returns string|false
file_get_contents() returns string|false
fopen() returns resource|false
strpos() returns int|false

Without unions, the types of these functions cannot be denoted.

>    1. ?T
> Ok
> 5 out of 8 still need a union.
> Actually, in my count only one of them does (#7) and it's probably
> solvable (if it's even a thing), and in another, it makes no sense to use
> types at all (#3) as you'd have to do these checks in userland anyway.  All
> others can be satisfied just fine with scalar, numeric and nullable types,
> unless you're being needlessly purist - and we're not going to
> overcomplicate the language for the sake of purism.
> Zeev

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