On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 5:48 AM, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:
> Whether it's $$ or !# or $0 or any other random symbol doesn't really matter.

> Here we have a completely optional syntactic sugar,
> that's not nearly as widely useful as OOP or namespaces.
Very few things will be as widely useful as OOP or namespaces, so that
comparison is a bit of a red herring.  This construct is useful
anywhere function call nesting pushes you past a readability
threshold.  That's not as ubiquitous as OOP as a whole, but it's
pretty widespread.  As widespread as fluent call chaining, in fact.

> The question is whether the added complexity of a new operator,
> a new symbol and the new semantics around them both are
> worth the benefit of introducing them.
Agreed.  There's a cost to every new token and parser rule on the
compiler side, and there's a cognitive overhead on the script
maintainer side as well.  It seems we only disagree in the flexibility
provided by better syntax and the ease of using google,
stack-overflow, and php.net/manual.

> IMHO it's not.
And I'll expect you to vote accordingly. No hard feelings. :)


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