On 5/16/2016 3:05 PM, Rasmus Schultz wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I think that the idea of meta-data that can't error
> somehow, somewhere, at some point, is completely unrealistic.
> And I'd much rather have a simple facility that enables those errors
> to surface quickly.

It should error and it should error exactly at the point when you want
to use it and at no other point. Right now they will error anytime
anyone wants to do anything with any annotation.

I fully understand the urge to directly access objects and I actually
support it and I want them to error out at the point where you try to
instantiate them. However, not when I simply access annotations in

According to your logic I have to load the whole dependency chain, even
thought I just want to generate my documentation that might have some
annotations in use. I also need to load all my dependencies even though
I wanted to leave the security dependency out because I wanted to easily
disable the security annotation system locally for development. I even
have to load the whole dependency chain, even though I just want to
introspect the single data structure at hand without invoking anything.

Even worse if I am using a package that has Doctrine annotations but I
use it without them: /fatal error/

Nice? No!


Make the /simple/ annotations /simple/. ;-)

Only allow scalar data to be defined and allow userland to register
themselves for specific annotations. I mentioned this before but somehow
everyone wants something more fancy and I have no karma (even though
requested but ignored) to write my own RFC. That being said, you have
the ability to write an RFC so please just take it. :-)

Some PHP code to illustrate what I was thinking of since I am better
with code than with words. :-P


Reflection is the wrong tool for the job to build annotation systems.
Reflection should not be used in production it should be used to
introspect data structures and reason about them or other stuff during
unit tests.

However, reflection should provide the ability to read annotations, it
just does not do anything with them by default and outputs stupid
arrays. You will definitely understand what I mean it you follow the Gist.

I am sure there is room for improvement and that I overlooked something
in my Gist. But I think it is a starting point, some additional notes:

- I do not see any benefit in annotations for parameters.
- I do not see any benefit in annotations for Generators.
- I do not see any benefit for annotations in php-src.

My proposal would include to ban annotations from php-src and make it a
pure userland functionality. This has many advantages:

- No name collisions.
- Clear policy for the future.
- php-src features are never optional.
- php-src does not provide meta-data.

Let me know what you think or if you have questions in regards to the
Gist that are unclear. (Or maybe you found mistakes.)

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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