On 5/26/2016 6:50 PM, Rowan Collins wrote:
> As I'm sure has already been pointed out (I haven't followed the whole
> thread) this defeats a large advantage of typed properties - I now can't
> read from the property without checking if it's null, so I can't do this:
> class O {
>    public \DateTimeImmutable $d;
> }
> echo (new O)->d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
> There's no ? on the type def, so I ought to be able to trust the type. A
> TypeError makes more sense here, because it is a programming error for
> it to be in this state.

That is exactly what Stanislav raised too. I really have no idea how we
should prevent this from happening and honestly think we shouldn't. Your
construct will result in a fatal error (also known as
NullPointerException to some, *evil-laughter*) anyways preceded by an
E_NOTICE that tells you that your property is not defined.

I am of course open for ideas but emitting another kind of fatal error
does not really make things better imho.

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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