On 14/06/2016 20:11, Leigh wrote:
On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 at 22:30 Matthew Browne <mbrown...@gmail.com> wrote:

What is the proper way to express support for an item that's not an
official part of an RFC but is listed as an idea for future
consideration? Specifically I wanted to give my "+1" for covariant
return types which are mentioned in passing in this RFC:

I think you'd go ahead and create an RFC for it :)

In this particular instance, it may be more to the point to create an *implementation* of it.

The reason it was omitted was not for lack of desire, but due to practical problems of how to make it work. See for instance http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=142791636808421&w=2

Rowan Collins

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