On 24 October 2016 at 06:16, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to discuss an issue about security bugs handling.
> We have a security repo which I and others check into bugs from time to
> time. The idea is for these to be reviewed by people having access there
> before we merge them, and then merge after the release.
> This, however, is not happening at all. The patches, as far as I know,
> are not reviewed at all, and merging a bunch of patches last minute with
> no review is extremely dangerous. I am trying my best with my patches,
> but I'm only human, and I feel increasingly uncomfortable having so many
> unreviewed patches in the release.
> So, how we can fix it?
> a. We could merge some of the patches on RC stage, even though that
> might expose some issues.
> b. We could somehow improve review mechanism beyond security repo we
> have now - ideas?
> c. Get some specific people to volunteer to review patches in security
> repo regularly - how? Any takers?
> Would like to hear thoughts on this one.
> --
> Stas Malyshev
> smalys...@gmail.com

Hey Stas,

If it's extra volunteers that you need, I would also be happy to help
out where I can, investigating reported issues, writing and reviewing

* I have a provable interest in security
* I've submitted security issues (to PHP and other projects) in the past
* I have worked on security features for the PHP runtime in the past
* I already have karma \o/



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