Hi all,

I submitted a GitHub PR* to allow objects implementing __toString() to
*optionally* pass is_string() validation. More verbose wording of my
motivation can be seen in the PR description, but here are the main

- Simpler way to do checks like: is_string($var) ||
method_exists($var, '__toString')
- Can be used for stricter string parameter validation in
strict_types=0 mode (otherwise any scalar type is accepted)
- Can be used for looser string parameter validation in strict_types=1
mode (__toString() objects aren't accepted there)
- Regardless of the last 2 points, it is intentionally not limited to
parameter types

* https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/2408


I didn't have time to write this email right after submitting the
patch, and in the meantime got some feedback from Fleshgrinder on
GitHub, which I'll quote and address here:

> Thanks for your effort and initiative.
> However, I strongly believe that this is the wrong approach. Adding a flag to 
> a function directly results in the fact that the function violates the single 
> responsibility principle. What we actually need to make this work is a 
> "stringable" pseudo-type like the iterable type that was introduced in PHP 
> 7.1. This "stringable" pseudo-type is the union of the scalar primitive 
> string and any class that implements the __toString method.
> This has the advantage that we are actually able to use it together with 
> strict_types, plus we have separate dedicated functions like "is_stringable" 
> that adhere to the single responsibility principle. I actually wanted to 
> create an RFC for that along with an implementation since iterable was 
> accepted, but did not find the time yet.
> Closing note: these pseudo-types are necessary in PHP because it has no 
> coherent type system, and there is nothing we can do about this in short 
> term. Hence, adding such pseudo-types is the only short term solution that we 
> actually have.

I ultimately wouldn't care if it's a separate function and did in fact
think of an is_stringable() function, but wasn't happy with the naming
- who's to say that e.g. integers aren't stringable? Bar
horribly-verbose names like
"string_or_objects_implementing__toString", I don't think there's a
way to avoid that ambiguity. :/
If we want a "stringable" type though, I guess we'll have to live with that.

I feel that debating the actual type system is way broader than I
intended this to be, so I'll refrain from going further on that for
now, as I've got some more radical ideas about it.




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