Hi Rowan,

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Rowan Collins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/03/2017 23:32, Andrey Andreev wrote:
>> For example, a Cookie object may have the cookie attributes (domain,
>> path, etc.) as value objects, but they can easily be created from raw
>> strings, while other types would be ambiguous.
>> A similar effect could be desirable for HTTP headers.
> OK, now we have some concrete examples, thanks. I would say that in these
> cases, what you actually want is a much tighter contract: not just "can be
> converted to string", but "intended to be used in this context".

I know you're trying to help, but I keep reading this as "OK, now I
can try to invalidate your use case".

There's always an alternative solution. I only ask that our
alternatives here include a middle ground between the two extremes of
"accept pretty much everything" and "be as strict as possible".

> It fits with what I was saying before about "if you can't name it, maybe it
> isn't the right abstraction". In this case, you want to accept some
> particular value objects but not, say, Exceptions - which are as useless for
> your purpose as an integer, even though (string)$foo would work fine on
> both.

I can name it; the name is just ridiculously long/impractical because
__toString() is a special case unlike anything else in PHP.

> So you want objects that have promised to behave appropriately for this
> context; that could be as simple as:
> interface HTTPHeaderObject {
>     public function __toString();
> }
> ...with appropriate documentation that objects declaring that they implement
> this interface promise to behave in a specific way when cast to string. This
> is much clearer than detecting __toString(), which only promises "I can be
> cast to string" - the same promise that is made by all scalar values.

My argument is that while every scalar value may promise that it "can
be cast to string", the fact that you need to explicitly declare it
means that only __toString() can promise that it "can be useful as a
string" (context-dependent of course).

> In order to accept this or a string in a type hint, you need Union Types:
> function setHeaderValue(string|HTTPHeaderObject $value) { ...

I would love union types, but unfortunately:

- https://wiki.php.net/rfc/union_types was declined
- They only address parameter hints, and I also want runtime checks
- Would still leave a gap for me, as I (perhaps stubbornly) want to
treat __toString() objects as regular strings

Though, I can live with the extra function call if we have union types
as that would greatly reduce my needs related to that last point.

> For broader use, we could perhaps have named unions:
> type HTTPHeaderType = union(string, HTTPHeaderObject);
> if ( $value instanceOf HTTPHeaderType ) { ...

An excellent idea, indeed - I'd be a huge proponent of that.

> Meanwhile, of course, you can just use a boring old user-defined function:
> function is_valid_http_header_value($value) {
>     return is_string($value) || $value instanceOf HTTPHeaderObject;
> }

Yes, and I can already wrap is_string($var) || method_exists($var,
'__toString') in a function, even "override" the original is_string()
with my version, in a namespace. The point was to eliminate that
boilerplate code.


Obviously, I'm getting zero support on the idea and we're running
around in circles at this point, so I guess that's it from me here.


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