
Thanks for the feedback.

I voted "no" because for very little improvement (which really isn't worth
> it)

It would help me to understand why you think this. It's difficult to
generate queries with the best execution plans if the type information
isn't good. Floating point values are part of SQL. Is your thought that
they aren't used enough, that this implementation is missing something, or
something else?

 * users foot-gunning themselves due to misuse of float values (yes, they
> will put floats where real is needed)

Did you see the latest rev of the RFC? It should address this point. If you
pass a string and label it PDO::PARAM_FLT, only emulated prepares and
pdo_sqlite will cast it to a float. And that's only for consistency with
how they handle other types. Does that make you more comfortable? Or is
there another use case you're concerned about?

That said, see https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting#resurrecting_rejected_propos
> als about resurrecting the vote: it will need to wait a few months.

Based on previous feedback, I thought the new version was materially
different. But if a handful of voters from the last round respond and say
that these changes won't change their vote, then sure, there's no point in
rerunning this.


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