
On Do, 2017-07-20 at 09:53 +0200, Mathias Grimm wrote:
> Is it hosted only by php or it has mirroring as well?

It's only running on bugs.php.net our controlled server.

> Is it possible to get a dump of the db?

The sql folder contains schema definitions. A complete dump can't be
shared freely since it contains security bugs, which shoul not be
shared publicly. (not sure if there are any open right now, but well

> Do you have anything specific in mind?

>From my list of things there would be some cleanups to ease mangement
of canned answers and security bugs. I'd love a better API and better
GitHub integration (i.e. github http hook which creates a ticket for
each pull request and mirrors comments / state changes)
There are also minor things like that the version field is misleading
for PECL packages, there we need PHP vesion and package vesion.

Also we can need better UI especially for category selection - the list
is way to long and it's hard to find the right one.

Interesting might be integrating https://3v4l.org/ so code samples are
directly run (which of course won't work for code related to external
things like databases or such)

If one things more there's certainly a lot more ...  so maybe
familiarizing, cleaning up and some smaller changes in those regions
might be good.

Key properties I'd like to keep is that the UI is "simple" and
reporting bugs is "easy" (i.e. no big user registration or such) as wel
as handling should be "fast" :-)


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