
> That would be fine and appropriate. The RFC targets 7.3. Having a
> discussion and vote in March gives plenty of time for getting it into
> 7.3
> Cancelling a vote just to avoid an RFC being rejected is (imo) playing
> slightly fast and loose with the rules.

I agree. I think the RFC itself is pretty clear. Some people agree with
the way it goes, some do not. If the latter are in majority, we should
let the vote finish, state the result as it is and then modify the RFC
(if the author or anybody else wishes, of course) according to it to
make it more acceptable, and then make another vote with the new
proposal. At least to me, it looks like most people (me included) agree
with the idea of having uuid implementation, but disagree with the
specifics of the RFC. So a modified one could have better support, but
there's no reason to not conclude the vote on the current one.

BTW, the RFC text does not have vote end date, please add it.

Stas Malyshev

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