"Lester Caine" wrote in message news:20b8b6fa-ec81-eba9-d33b-b54b815e9...@lsces.co.uk...

On 14/09/17 10:20, Tony Marston wrote:
Then unix came along and FUBAR'd everything. Any advantages of case
sensitive systems are ALWAYS outweighed by their disadvantages.

Unix predates Windows ...

A minor detail. Windows followed all the previous OSes which I had used in being case insensitive, which makes unix the odd one out. Besides there are far more computers running Windows than unix, so unixx should not be used as the standard.

the use of such breaks as having spaces in
file names came from that development in addition to the line ending.
The RTTY machines needed a carriage return step followed by a line feed
which is why that was two steps initially. Not needed these days, but
still embeded from the early days.

I also saw LF and CR being used independently in a driver for a daisywheel printer in the 1970s.

The fact that both CR and LF are not needed these days should have been addressed by a common solution used by all OSes, and not each OS using a different solution.

UTF8 introduces a level of complexity and can be used used in many
places in PHP, but it does seem that there is no drive these days to
make the core a clean UTF8 environment. This should perhaps be addressed
again for PHP8?

If UTF8 solves the problem, but has yet to be properly implemented in PHP, then the PHP implementation should be addressed.

But the additional problems that case-insensitive then
introduces may mean that all case-insensitivity has to be removed at
that point?

What additional problems? When billions of people are used to living in a case-insensitive world and the only "problems" affect an insignificantly small number in an insignificantly small number of circumstances then the only proper solution is one that solves the problem for the small number without messing it up for the far larger number.

Tony Marston

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