On 27/09/17 09:47, Dan Ackroyd wrote:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/implement_sqlite_openblob_in_pdo
> Couple of questions:
>> $stream = $pdo->sqliteOpenBlob('test', 'data', 1);
> I tried reading the code but failed; what happens when this is called
> on a PDO connection that isn't to an SQLite database? Also, there
> should probably be tests around that behaviour.

The bigger question is - Should database specific extensions to PDO be
allowed at all? The WHOLE base of PDO was that it would allow easy data
management between DIFFERENT databases. This should be implemented in a
way that mirrors blobs generically otherwise the generic database driver
should be used since a switch to another PDO driver will fail. This
should apply to any targeted extension to PDO, so anything that breaks
the generic base data needs tidying up.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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