> Hi!
> > It's not terribly unreasonable IMO, but before I just writeup the RFC
> > as described (jsonRawSerialize taking preceedence over jsonSerialize),
> > I thought I'd ask for opinions on the specifics.
> >
> > In psuedo-code:
> >
> > if (is_object($obj)) {
> >   if ($obj implements JsonRawSerializable) {
> >     // use $obj->jsonRawSerialize() as is.
> >   } elseif ($obj implements JsonSerializble) {
> >     // use json_encode($obj->jsonSerialize())
> >   } else {
> >     // Serialize the object's public properties as a key/value map
> >   }
> > }
> I'm not sure I feel very comfortable with having specialized serialize
> interfaces for every format, yet more with having more than one of them.
> There's also validation problem - if we don't ensure this is valid JSON,
> then whole serialization setup is broken, and who knows which
> consequences this will bring.
> Also, I'm not sure what is the case for fixed JSON serialization - cases
> where the data is completely static and yet you still need to serialize
> it is pretty rare IMHO. Yes, we save some cycles on serializing such
> things, but how often that happens, really? If it's static, why not just
> set it on loading? Maybe I miss some reasonable use case, but so far
> sounds pretty exotic to me.

Same thoughts here. Without further arguments I'd definitely vote against
an RFC suggesting such a change.

Regards, Niklas

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