On 04.11.2017 at 17:40, Andreas Treichel wrote:

> For a better readability of the gd functions I would like to rename them
> so that they contain underscores to separate the words. The only
> exception is image2wbmp which is renamed to image_to_wbmp. The order of
> the parameters of all functions whould be unchanged.
> Due to the unchanged parameters it should be easyly possible to create
> wrappers for forward / backward compatiblity to use the new function
> names in old versions of PHP and via versa.

In my opinion, just renaming the functions doesn't make much sense.
Instead we might consider to introduce OO wrappers, which wouldn't
unnecessarily polute the global namespace, and also could lead to more
concise userland code.  Kalle's gdobjects[1] might serve as a base.

On the other hand, such OO wrappers could also be implemented in
userland, what might already have been done.

[1] <https://github.com/KalleZ/gdobjects>

Christoph M. Becker

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