On 24 November 2017 07:05:52 GMT+00:00, "Khawer ." <khaweronl...@gmail.com> 
>We use 'use' keyword to import other namespaces, namespace classes,
>namespace functions, and namespace constants.
>1) use abc; (Import abc namespace)
>2) use abc\ClassB; (Import ClassB  from abc namespace)

Although these are described in the manual as separate types of import, they 
are actually the same: they alias a prefix used to rewrite class names when you 
mention them.

If you have a class "One\Two\Test" and a class "One\Two", then "use One\Two" 
will allow you to access them as "Two\Test" and "Two", respectively. 

Similarly, if you alias a prefix with "use Foo as Bar", then "new Bar\Test" 
will refer to class "Foo\Test", and "new Bar" will refer to class "Foo". 

So "use class" wouldn't make sense, because that's not actually what happens.


Rowan Collins

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