wrote in message news:7482b9d4-d487-8c0f-1f92-2e8fef68d...@rhsoft.net...

Am 31.12.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
Some of us are clever enough to write code that doesn't have those types of bug in the first place. I developed my framework in PHP4 before type hints even existed, and I developed a large enterprise application with that framework which is now being sold to large corporations all over the world. That codebase has moved from PHP 4 through all versions of PHP 5 and is now running on PHP 7.1. During these upgrades I have only changed my code to deal with what has been deprecated, and I have never bothered with any of those new optional extras (such as typehints) unless I have been convinced that the effort of changing my code has measureable benefits.

well my codebase dates back to 2002 but is stricted-typed in the meantime - and now?

PHP was never strictly typed from the start, and I have always loved the flexibility that this provided. I have never felt the urge to use typehints (or type enforcement that it has now become)and any potential bugs that this may create are quickly identified and resolved during my testing.

The idea that typehints provide benefits to the whole PHP community is completely bogus. It only provides apparent benefits to those programmers who have moved from a strictly type language to PHP and who feel lost without the crutch that a strongly typed language seems to provide. I work faster with a dynamically and weakly typed language, so speed of development is far more important to me. Any so-called bugs are detected and fixed during the testing phase, so I don't want the language being slowed down performing checks that I don't want.

nosense - after 15 years PHP andmoved everything to strict_types in 2017 (the current year) you can't accuse me that i have recebtly moved from a strongly typed language to PHP and felt lost all the years before

Just because a whole load of new features have been added to the language does not mean that I should use them. They are entirely optional, and I choose NOT to use them unless I am convinced that the benefits are worth the effort.

you think you work faster because you even don't realize small bugs until they become large enough that you sit there and debug for hours while a type-error with a stacktrace would have shown the mistake at the begin including the root cause

As I said previously, any such errors that may be caused by not using a strictly typed language are detected and fixed when I test my code. My main application has been in live use since 2008, and you can count on one hand the number of bugs which are reported each year.

Tony Marston

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