This proposal contains some interesting ideas, which I see as separate:
1. A syntax to declare the type of local variables.
2. A syntax to declare the type of object properties.
3. Preventing local variables, object properties and parameters to
change their type after initialization/declaration.

For me the point 3 is the most interesting one.
I think the other points are already discussed elsewhere in some way,
although they are clearly related to 3.

Point 3 would be a BC break, if we would introduce it for parameters.
Current behavior:

Local variables and object properties currently cannot be types, so
point 3 would not be a BC break for them, if we introduce it together
with 1 and 2.
But then we would have an inconsistency between parameters and local
vars / object properties.

What we could do to avoid BC break is to introduce
declare(fixed_parameter_types=1) in addition to
For local variables and object properties, the type would always be fixed.
But for parameters, it would only be fixed if the
declare(fixed_parameter_types=1) is active.

Maybe to make it less verbose, we could say declare(strict_types=2),
which would mean the combination of both those things?
Or some other type of shortcut.
I think we will have to think about shortcuts like this if we
introduce more "modes" in the future.

> Currently the var keyword is used to formally declare a variable.

Are you talking about local variables?
In which PHP version?

Afaik, currently var is only used for class/object properties from the
time when people did not declare the visibility as

> If the type is omitted, scalar is assumed.  If Fleshgrinder's scalar RFC is
> accepted then it would make sense to allow programmers to explicitly
> declare the variable as a scalar, but in any event when the type is omitted
> scalar must be assumed for backwards compatibility.

If no type is specified, then "mixed" should be assumed, not "scalar".
Assuming "scalar" would be a BC break, and it would be confusing.

On 3 January 2018 at 10:03, Michael Morris <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:50 AM, Niklas Keller <> wrote:
>> Hey Michael,
>> I don't think the BC break is acceptable. You argue that scalar type
>> declarations are relatively new, but in fact they're already years old now.
>> They're used in most PHP 7+ packages. Even if changing types might be
>> discouraged, it still happens a lot.
> Hmm.  Well, that aspect of this can be dropped. What about the rest of it?

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