Hi Jan,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Ehrhardt [mailto:php...@ehrhardt.nl]
> Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018 9:50 AM
> To: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] Re: PHP 7.1.13 and 7.2.1 Available
> Jan Ehrhardt in php.internals (Fri, 05 Jan 2018 09:19:46 +0100):
> >Sara Golemon in php.internals (Thu, 4 Jan 2018 12:06:59 -0500):
> >>I'm happy to announce not one, but two new PHP releases today.
> >>PHP 7.1.13 and 7.2.1 are ready to go at http://php.net/downloads.php
> >
> >Is it on purpose that the release-zip on github contains PHP 7.2.1-dev?
> >See the main/php_version.h in the zip at
> >https://github.com/php/php-src/releases
> The main reason why I prefer the github zips over the zips at
> http://windows.php.net/download/ is some kind of mismatch in the UTF-8
> filenames:
> php-7.2.1-src/ext/bz2/tests/003????????????.txt.bz2:  mismatching "local"
> filename (php-7.2 .1-
> src/ext/bz2/tests/003||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.txt.bz2),
>          continuing with "central" filename version
> php-7.2.1-src/ext/exif/tests/bug34704????????????.jpg:  mismatching "local"
> filename (php-7 .2.1-
> src/ext/exif/tests/bug34704||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.jpg),
>          continuing with "central" filename version
> php-7.2.1-src/ext/exif/tests/bug68113????????????.jpg:  mismatching "local"
> filename (php-7 .2.1-
> src/ext/exif/tests/bug68113||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.jpg),
>          continuing with "central" filename version
> php-7.2.1-src/ext/exif/tests/test2????????????.jpg:  mismatching "local"
> filename (php-7.2.
> 1-src/ext/exif/tests/test2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.jpg),
>          continuing with "central" filename version etc.
> The "central" filename version is the correct one, like the filename at
> https://github.com/php/php-src/tree/master/ext/bz2/tests
> The zips at github do not have the mismatch and do contain the correct
> filenames. So github seems to handle UTF-8 filenames in better way than
> https://github.com/php/php-
> src/commit/3d3f11ede4cc7c83d64cc5edaae7c29ce9c6986f
> --
I don't reproduce this issue using 
http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/php-7.2.1-src.zip . There is always a 
chance for a tool issue, especially when using an older tool or some without 
Unicode support. For zip, tools that work is the latest 7zip 16.04 or even 
explorer. Also using tar 1.29 and git 2.14.3 from the msysgit package looks 
fine for any tarballs. Seems like a tool issue, for what I could tell.



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