On 1/21/2018 1:04 PM, Nikita Popov wrote:
> Unless you are running specifically into the max files limit (and not the
> memory limit), unlinking from the hashtable will not provide any benefit.
> It does exactly what it says on the tin, and in particular it's not going
> to free up any space.
> The reason why opcache has a restart mechanism, is that it does not track
> which files are currently (potentially) in use. During a restart it waits
> until all workers stop using SHM, at which point the memory can be safely
> reset. To improve this some more precise tracking of SHM usage would be
> necessary (not necessarily per-file, but more than just "yes or no").
> Nikita

Many thanks. :)

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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