> > - How do you determine when a fiber has returned? Looking at the source,
> it appears Fiber::status() must be used, comparing against constants.
> Separate methods similar to Generator would be better IMO. e.g.:
> Fiber::alive(), Fiber::suspended(), Fiber::running()
> Offering methods like Fiber::alive, Fiber::running makes no difference to
> check the Fiber::status() return value. This is just a style issue. And as
> a language feature,
> Fiber only offer the essential API and let other works to the user land.

The language should offer a sane API, not the absolute minimum required to
work for these things.

> > - What about throwing exceptions into a fiber?
> Currently does not support throw exception into the fiber. User land code
> could check
> the value of Fiber::yield and throw exception themselves. The Ruby's Fiber
> and Lua's
> coroutine also does not support such api as well.

And throw the exception where? That means async code with fibers can't
really handle errors?

> >
> > - Using Fiber::resume() to initialize the fiber and resume feels
> awkward. Separate methods again would be better here, perhaps
> Fiber::init(...$args) and Fiber::resume($send).
> All Fiber created with a suspended status. So make resume to do both the
> init and resume
> do make sense.

It does't make sense to me. Reading the example in the README and
understanding why the first resume() takes two arguments instead of one
took me quite some minutes.

> Please see Ruby Fiber API https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Fiber.html.
> >
> > - What happens if the sub1() function in the RFC is invoked outside of a
> fiber?
> You will get a Fatal Error like
> Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot call Fiber::yield out of Fiber
> > - I think a keyword here would be beneficial, even if it has a minor BC
> impact. Fibers could then be written like generators. `await` or `emit` as
> a keyword perhaps? This would be a less verbose API, feel less magical (a
> static method call that actually pauses execution feels out of place), and
> would allow Fibers to be returned from methods, named functions, etc with
> less boilerplate.
> Wishing this to be accepted by the community in the PHP 7.3, so no keyword
> is accepted.
> And if the community cannot accept, the Fiber can be still distributed as
> a standalone
> extension. So we cannot depend on a new keyword.

Right, if it's a standalone extension it can't use a new keyword, but as a
language feature it totally can.

Looking at the current README, there are two issues that must be completely
solved IMO before accepting this:

> Each Fiber has a separate 4k stack. You can use the fiber.stack_size ini
option to change the default stack size. You can also use the second
argument of Fiber::__construct to set the stack size on fly.

Resizing of the stack should happen automatically, just like generators
resize automatically.

> Fiber::yield cannot be used in internal callback

This also seems problematic and will make fibers quite less useful,
especially as these yields can happen anywhere down the stack.

Regards, Niklas

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