Rowan, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

You can also see it as a language construct that expects a type at the
left-hand side of the name resolution operator. In that sense, primitive
types are perfectly valid.


Em seg, 1 de out de 2018 às 05:45, Rowan Collins <>

> On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 at 00:30, Marcos Passos <>
> wrote:
>> Currently, class name resolution supports all types except an array.
> It seems to me that the bug is allowing an expression like "int::class" to
> resolve, when "int" is no longer a legal class name.
> I suspect the reason "array::class" doesn't work is that it was already a
> reserved word in PHP 5, whereas other types were legal class names. In PHP
> 5, "int::class" can plausibly resolve to the name of an actual class, but
> in PHP 7, it can't, but clearly this part of the grammar wasn't updated to
> reflect that.
> The parser is being too forgiving here, I think, and should complain if
> the word before :: is not a valid class name.
> Regards,
> --
> Rowan Collins
> [IMSoP]

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