
>> I'm not sure if you're missing anything fundamental - it's just that
>> the preload.php file Dmitry's referring to (the one that's responsible
>> to loading all the other files) - is one file that's pretty much by
>> definition, will be of no use at any later point in the lifetime of
>> the server.  It preloads other files (which of course, should very
>> much persist in the opcache memory) - but once it's done, it's done. 
>> That's why it kind of makes sense not to cache it.

Ah, ok, this makes sense. Though usually such file would be rather small
and adding whole new directive just for it may not be that necessary, I

> Thinking about it, I'm not clear exactly what a "do not cache" directive
> would mean in a preloaded file, since preloading is more than just
> caching. For instance, if "class A" is declared in a preloaded file with
> declare(cache=0), then "class B extends A" is declared in a preloaded
> file with caching enabled, how will class B be treated? Will the file

Yes, that's what I am wondering too - how things defined directly in
preload file then will be treated? While file itself is not useful later
in server's lifetime, the things defined in it - like classes or
functions - can be?
Stas Malyshev

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