On 2/4/19 1:32 PM, Andrea Faulds wrote:
> Dmitry Stogov wrote:
>> Hi Internals,
>> I'm glad to finally propose including JIT into PHP.
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/jit
>> In the current state it may be included both into PHP-8, where we are 
>> going to continue active improvement, and into PHP-7.4, as an 
>> experimental feature.
>> Thanks. Dmitry.
> Hi Dmitry,
> Thank you for making an RFC for this. That makes it possible to have a 
> proper discussion about the JIT idea.
> A concern I have with the current RFC is a lack of a good case for why 
> it should be necessary; the case for JIT is based on performance 
> benefits, but the examples provided are unconvincing to me because they 
> seem too contrived. Both bench.php and drawing fractals represent a 
> best-case example for a JIT, small programs which do heavy arithmetic 
> and not much else. Maybe PHP being able to be used for this kind of 
> software would be cool, but it wouldn't justify the added complexity 
> (and for that matter security headaches) of adding a JIT to PHP given C, 
> C++, FORTRAN and so on already exist and are better-suited to it.
> I guess what I am saying is that the JIT RFC could benefit from 
> real-world examples that show a benefit to having it. The ideal 
> application is something in between WordPress and your Mandelbrot 
> example, one which has significant complexity (i.e. a plausible 
> real-world application), hot code which a JIT can actually make notably 
> faster than the current Zend VM, and is something not *too* far away 
> from the kinds of applications people write in PHP today — even if you 
> *could* write applications focussed on high-performance heavy 
> number-crunching in PHP, I don't expect people would want to, even if it 
> becomes less slow.

I've added info from Nikita: PHP-Parser became 1.5 times faster.

Thanks. Dmitry.

> Thanks,
> Andrea

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