On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 12:44 AM Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> > 2. Improve caller control on unserialization. Change the signature to
> > public Phar::getMetadata ( mixed $allowed_classes = true ) : mixed, and
> > invoke the behavior similar to how unserialize itself works. Since all
> > of this problem stems from the use of untrusted content on the phar://
> > stream, we should put into the caller's hands as much control as
> possible.
> This, unfortunately, is only a partial solution. As long as
> serialization format supports references - and they are likely not going
> anywhere - it won't be security, it's virtually impossible to secure
> code that can modify references while object is being unserialized. At
> least without rewriting whole unserialization code. If somebody
> undertakes this task, then yes, maybe it can be made secure (not sure
> even then). For now, unserializing insecure data is insecure, regardless
> of allowed_classes. Allowed_classes is just a barrier to block most
> obvious attacks in the wild now, but it does not guarantee safety.

This issue had an extant report, bug # 76774 [1]. To that report, I've
added some detail.

I agree that $allowed_classes is a partial fix. But is it not better to
incrementally add defensive layers?

I'll get to the immediate mitigation after I finish my phar fuzzing work,
unless somebody beats me to it.


[1]: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=76774

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