@Stephen Reay <php-li...@koalephant.com>

> In languages without type hinting (e.g. JavaScript) - the “boiler plate”
you’re trying to remove is also common, e.g. using `typeof` in JavaScript.

It's also very common to *not* check types in JavaScript... I assume the
absence of type hints is partly responsible for this, and a reason why
quite a lot of JS developers turn to typed preprocessors, such as

> Assigning a variable to itself, because you want to check its type is the
weirdest concept I’ve heard in a long time.

I assume you're speaking of the foreach() example; sure, used this way, it
looks like a self-assignment, but in most cases it's not, it's an inline,
checked type-hint:

    // (assuming the 'as' syntax, now that the cast syntax has been buried)
    $foo = $entityManager->find(User::class, 123) as User;

You're effectively adding, **inline and with just a few chars**, an
additional type-hint and runtime check to the value. I wouldn't call this a

> You want to add more capability to enforce type checking - I get that,
and I share that goal. But when we already have pretty common, intuitive
syntax to do so in one situation, I don’t see why you wouldn’t adopt the
same syntax elsewhere.

While I don't agree with you on many points, I appreciate that we share the
same goal somehow, and hope that we can find common grounds. I would
personally not be against variables typed on declaration, but even though
this probably does not make sense, I'm somehow more comfortable with:

    function test(string $name) {
        $name = 123;


    string $name = 'Ben';
    $name = 123;

I guess that I could be more comfortable with this approach if we had a
switch, such as `declare(locked_types=1)`, that would enforce the type of
the variable throughout its lifetime. This may come at a huge runtime cost,

- Ben

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