
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 at 12:44, G. P. B. <george.bany...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Internals,
> As there have been no further comments the voting for my RFC [1] to
> deprecate PHP's
> short open tags has started and will run for two (2) weeks.
> Best regards
> George P. Banyard
> [1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_php_short_tags

I want to thank you for this RFC, for your time dedicated to it, for
the actual implementation and everything. You have done everything
correct and also the general idea i.e. removing these legacy tags in
either PHP 8.0 or not was completely correctly pointed out and RFC (at
least according to the current PHP RFC standards) met all the criteria
to get into implementation step. Everyone who is working with PHP
development knows that these short tags are not meant to be used
anymore. Also everything was correctly accepted and the numbers are

This entire thread is also showing the integrity, intelligence level
of the PHP a bit but one day maybe these legacy leftovers can be
removed, hopefully... Because they really should. So let's not give up
and let's find some normal solution here... RFC and results are quite
clear but maybe Nikita's solution is good enough for all:

- Deprecation warnings in PHP 7.4 (RFC criteria met, people here happy or not)
- PHP 8.0 complete compile error without any option to further use
them anymore (RFC criteria sort of met -!!!, and the reason of
pretending that the legacy apps will work ok on PHP 8.0 also met)
- Actual removal in PHP 9 (because this is then the logical next
step). Removing something like this in PHP 8.1 is not following
semantic versioning at all. Either removal in 8.0 or 9.0.

Cheers and thanks.

Peter Kokot

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