On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 6:05 PM Gabriel Caruso <carusogabrie...@gmail.com>

> Currently, if you pass an argument that is not an integer, it will simply
> return an empty string: https://3v4l.org/FF2nA.

Not entirely accurate. It outputs a one-character string (the null byte).

> In case you pass more than
> 1 argument, it will complain about "Wrong number of arguments":
> https://3v4l.org/Yrr43.

> The proposal of https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/4080 is to relly these
> checks to ZPP, making the first argument mandatory to an integer, and make
> the error message for extra arguments consistent with the rest of the core
> functions, e.g. "Warning: chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string
> given".
> I'm actually perfectly in favor of raising a proper warning here.  I
noticed the odd behavior when I was porting this function to HHVM and IIRC
I raised a discussion about it and the bottom line was "Let's not do this
because X", and I couldn't possibly tell you what X was. :(
The thread is out there somewhere though.

> The idea is to merge in PHP-7.4, but if there's a consensus that this
> should go into PHP 8 only, so it is :)
> Technically a BC break, so 8.0 would be the preferred branch IMO.


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