On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 3:02 AM M. W. Moe <mo.mu....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> if you are upset; it's not the place here; your argument is efficiently
> based on problems of indentation and handling commas
> properly.
> Moreover, but not least, you have no idea what a lambda is; if we admit it
> what you propose; that is not feasible in PHP; why? because it would
> require a preprocessor; in the case presented, it would be necessary to
> import all that existing scope then making a selection; nobody wants that
> to happen.
> If you do not accept any rational criticism; you should think of doing
> something else; I do not know; gardening maybe? who knows.
> P.S For my use of the "closure" you made a fool yourself beyond what you
> can grasp; but anyhow, my dear, it's refreshing, you made smile.

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