threat /THret/ noun: a statement of an intention to inflict pain,
injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for
something done or not done.

Anyway, can we vote on this RFC?

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:54 AM Zeev Suraski <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 4:31 PM Dan Ackroyd <> wrote:
> > On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 09:50, Zeev Suraski <> wrote:
> > >
> > > This was not a threat of any kind,
> >
> > "If we need to pull rank with group@ here, we will."
> >
> > "I'm confident that if it ever came to that, I'll have the backing of
> > group@, which is why I wrote what I wrote."
> >
> > Those are threats.
> >
> No Dan, they are not.  You're remarkably offensive for claiming that - not
> only based on your own initial misinterpretation, but also after I took the
> time to explain[1].  Perhaps it has to do with a very bogus definition for
> the word 'threat', by which one could consider every RFC as a threat as
> well.  It was a clear call to order.  If you want to call it a threat, or
> Coolio, or some other word - that is entirely up to you, but it does not
> change the fact that it wasn't a threat.
> Zeev
> [1] "This was not a threat of any kind, and framing it as such is
> inappropriate by itself.  I wasn't "threatening" to have anyone kicked or
> otherwise penalized.  It was a reminder of one of the ground rules -
> respectful discussion and focusing on the ideas and not the people they
> came from - and making it clear I have no intention to yield on it.  I said
> that if for some reason what has been and should continue to be obvious -
> just as much as the discussions here have to be respectful (and in English)
> - is no longer obvious - we'll make it clear.  That's all."

Guilherme Blanco
SVP Technology at Statflo Inc.
Mobile: +1 647 232 5599

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